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Maimonides Leadership Institute
Sundays, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Eugene & Ethel Joffe Maimonides Leadership Institute is designed for young adults in the Palm Beach community, grades 8–12, to study and explore religious, spiritual and ethical Jewish values. This tuition-free program allows the students to be awarded merit compensation for their studies. More than an academic exercise, the experience contributes profoundly to the students’ identity as Jews.
Solomon Leadership Program
The Solomon Leadership Program was established to teach and instill the traits, skills and values that are common to successful leaders in all fields, including business, education, medicine, law and government.
The program is informed both by moral values and the significant leadership experiences of the mentors. Participants in the program join in an exchange of ideas that will lead to moral growth, tolerance and an increased focus on achieving personal goals and giving back to the community.
A Partnership of the Sosnow Foundation and Palm Beach Synagogue
Israel Advocacy
Teens for Israel Advocacy Training Program
The mission of the William Langfan Teens for Israel Advocacy Training Program is to educate students in grades 10–12 about current political developments in the Middle East and the image of Israel in the world arena, thereby equipping students to respond to the dissemination of inaccurate information and anti-Israel propaganda on college campuses and in the media. Participants will meet periodically in seminars to enrich their knowledge of the region and its historical development.